Friday, February 27, 2009

Keeping those kids in line...

1. I am going to set up clear guidelines for EVERYTHING! This includes plans for bathroom, homework, behavior, etc. One thing I’ve discovered is how hard it is to come into this classroom when my students have not had any clear, strong guidelines. For instance, I don’t think I would allow bathroom breaks after 10 minutes into the class. I would set up a basket for homework, where they could turn it in every day we have it at the beginning of class. My cooperating teacher does not have this system, so she is forced to walk up and down the aisles checking everyone’s homework, which is a total time waste AND leads to a ton of unnecessary talking!
2. I LOVE the whole thing we did in class this week about giving the students options. This would totally work with my students. I actually used it the other day. Two of the students were talking and using their cell phones the entire time, so I said “Donteral, you have two choices you can either move your seat over here or you can get written up.” And he moved! So I will definitely be using this!
3. Lastly, is the cell phone usage. I am honestly appalled at how much this generation texts! And at all times!!! Like really, are your random comments about how bored you are really that important?!? Ideally, I would implement a system where when they walk into class, they put their cell phones in a box. My phone could be in there with them; however, I don’t know if this would ever work, though, because a) kids might steal someone else’s phone and b) they could easily lie about not having their cell phone. At the least, I will definitely make every student put his/her bag at the front or the back of the room. They will be allowed to take out whatever stuff they need for MY class and then sit down at their seat. After the first week, they would be so used to it that they would just do it.

Ultimately, I think it needs to be about consistency and setting up procedures for everything beforehand. I think that’s one of the reasons why I’m struggling so much with student teaching, because it’s not technically my class so these kids have had 7 months of another teacher’s policies so I can’t do what I want to do.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad the options thing worked. I think this is what the principal was saying when he said "with-it-ness." Are we with-it enough to anticipate these things and have some options prepared to deal with it. I actually like his statement about cell phones. "Off and out of sight." I think if you just tell your students that is your policy and then use that saying to reinforce it, you could save some time. With something so quick and easy to say...then if they don't follow it you could say, "The cell phone needs to be off and out-of-sight or you can give it to me." Maybe this will help.
