Friday, March 13, 2009

My sorry :(

I feel like a lot of my sorrys are general feelings that I have to combat on a daily basis. Because of this, I don't know that there's a lot of specifics that I can do to "fix" these. I'm working on maintaining my positive attitude even in the face of ridiculousness and frustration. That being said, one sorry I do have that I can do specific things towards is student apathy. I am a self motivated individual. I always have been. My parents never had to push me. No prize or reward for doing well was ever given nor needed. Doing well is its own reward for me. Even in high school, I worked hard because I personally wanted to do well and learn. Since this is who I am, it's extremely hard for me to understand how SO MANY of my high schoolers don't care. They don't care about anything. I just don't get it, and it's something I am CONSTANTLY struggling with in my classes.
One thing I can do, and am trying to do, is show the relevance to their lives as much as possible. I brought in the idea of facebook posts and rap when we were discussing first amendment rights, for example. I used a Lupe Fiasco song that talks about the Sudan conflict, too. Some of my students seem to get this, but some still could care less and just want to focus on their cell phones.
I do have some prouds though! One of my students has become my little project and success story! He pretty much had failing grades, but he made a B on our last test!!! AND, he told me he was interested in the navy but wasn't sure of the next step. I looked it up and gave him the local recruiter's number to call and he was SO excited! Then, I saw him later in the day sitting down and reading over his navy brocure! IT WAS AWESOME! :)