Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Action Plan!

When I envision my classroom, I want an environment and atmosphere that promotes citizenship education. The worst citizen is an apathetic one, and as a teacher I will do my part to create graduates concerned with the world around them, knowing their rights and exercising them. To do this, my students need to be educated in a way that will make them want to make a difference. I believe that every student can become informed, caring individuals with intelligent and knowledgably formed opinions. This includes all students, regardless of their current GPA or background.
In my classroom, I’m dealing with some of the most apathetic students I’ve ever seen or heard of. Some of my students don’t care if they graduate high school, don’t care if they pass the class, don’t even care if they’re enjoying their day. I honestly didn’t even know there were teenagers like this, and this has become my biggest problem as a student teacher. I was prepared for the talking kids and the texting during class, but not students who will not even take out their book to get credit for the day. To get to these students, I’m trying to explain the world and their part in it in a way that encourages participation in society for its betterment; teaching them that they can make a difference, helping them decide on what kind of difference they want to make, and how to achieve their goals.
Logistically, this means allowing debates and discussions on different current events and topics. This also means asking those sometimes difficult questions to get them thinking, while creating an atmosphere where students feel safe to defend their issues, yet still hear another student out. In order to do this, I as the teacher must be informative, challenging and encouraging. I’d also like to create some type of service learning project. This way, students can see how they can truly change and affect their government. I also believe it will help those apathetic students get more excited about learning by relating the material to their personal worlds and providing an active learning environment.
More specifically, I’m thinking of implementing some kind of debate every Friday, loosely based on current events (when possible). This would be a concrete step to getting students thinking about their place in the world. I could also do a project where they have to at least attempt to change their world (think Pay It Forward, but not as extreme). I’m a little unsure of exactly how to go about doing this and implementing it, though. At the very least, I could require them to write their senator or something, but I’m hoping to create a project on a grander scale.
Ultimately, I just want my students to rise from apathy into passionate citizens! As I’m writing this, I’m starting to see the reality of the situation-that I’ll never reach every student- but I can hope and try, right???

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I believe in potential...

I believe in the power of potential. Every person, regardless of race, religion, background or creed has the power to be extraordinary. It is innate, inherent, given by God. No one was made to be just average; we were all created to fulfill our wildest dreams and our highest aspirations. In many, this potential lies dormant, waiting for someone to come along and reawaken it.
Many have called me childish because I do believe in this so strongly. I think it’s ok to let little girls believe they can be CEOs, and tell little boys that they can be Police Chief one day. I do this because I genuinely trust that whatever is in their heart can be accomplished with hard work, faith, and love. People have called me silly and unrealistic and even irresponsible and downright foolish because I believe in such inner power. But to me, there are no limits to what individuals can do because there are no limits to what our Creator made in us.
Besides, why is it so wrong to believe in these things? Why is it wrong to tell young people that they can become President of the United States or an astronaut or attain whatever dreams are in their hearts?
No one is made without some inner light and purpose. No one is made to not be truly satisfied with his or her life and over the moon happy. No one is made to settle for the average, when inside a star is bursting to shine.
I see the beauty in every individual, be it child or adult, because I know there is something great in there. My goal is to encourage everyone I meet to become who they were destined to be: an extraordinary individual. Dreams are only limited by potential, and potential is limitless, so dream away.